Can an NFT be a game?
NFT game items have already become a standard in the Blockchain gaming industry. The best blockchain games in the market now allow gamers to obtain objects of value as a reward for their engagement in the gaming process and earn income by trading, exchanging, or selling these items. But is it possible for the game itself to become an NFT item? Well, nothing is impossible today!
Do you remember the games that were sold on CDs and very often in a limited number of copies and after they were sold it was only possible to buy a copy second-hand? It created unlimited possibilities for collectibles and made every item distinct. In today’s web world, the uniqueness of a digital asset, a game, or a music album has been almost completely lost, leaving an infinite number of copies and a wide-open door for piracy. Blockchain technology has all the potential to revive the excitement of being a proud owner of a one-of-a-kind item.
So, the question is, how a whole game can become a non-fungible token? Crypto games and apps can be viewed as items themselves, with limited copies and independent from the components they consist of. Users then can own and trade games as NFTs making them even more valuable and giving the owners a chance to be a part of a privileged community that owns a copy of a certain game. Using the blockchain technology benefits such as transparency and chain-like structure, it is possible to observe every transaction history and proof this way the ownership of any specific copy. This reduces piracy and theft possibility to almost zero, creating a safe shielded environment for the users and providing an additional security level.
Crypto games and apps can be viewed as items themselves, with limited copies and independent from the components they consist of. Users then can own and trade games as NFTs making them even more valuable and giving the owners a chance to be a part of a privileged community that owns a copy of a certain game.
Games as tokens or in-game NFT items?
There is no need to choose since a game can be an NFT item itself in a combination with in-game NFT items which offers additional possibilities and can complement each other. Even if a player gets bored or does not want to continue his gaming journey for some reason, he can still trade the items he owns in-game and the game itself and then exchange them for fiat money or cryptocurrency. It is also possible to gain passive income if the value of the game or item increases over time which makes NFT games a promising investment option. This approach and a variety of opportunities do not tie a player to a certain game attracting this way more and more gamers to join the web3 universe, providing them with complete freedom to choose how to use the benefits of today’s technology in their own personalized way. It has also become possible to pursue gaming as a career option without the need for endless streams and social presence, but just by playing and actually enjoying the gaming process.
Blockchain technology is beneficial not only to the players but to the game creators as well, providing a setting that allows them to gain profit from every game trading and creating a safe decentralized environment for transactions. Web3 and crypto provide endless creative possibilities that can be enjoyed and appreciated in the same way art pieces do, allowing the users to set the value of the game and digital assets themselves. It stimulates the creation of a strong and stable structure for both creators and users to join forces and make a profit doing what they love. The rules that apply in the traditional game development world apply here as well, the more interesting the game is, the more popular it becomes.
It is a matter of time for NFT games to become the standard in the gaming world with more and more industry giants and indie developers stepping into the field and creating the world of entertainment and job opportunities of tomorrow, today.
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