Publish your games today!
Hello fellow indie developers, and welcome to Isotopic! We are thrilled to announce a new Game and App Distribution Platform targeted for you! Isotopic Game Store Today, we are launching our store’s Alpha version to the public. We are inviting you to be among the first releases on the platform, and the first members of our
How blockchain can redefine the gaming industry
At first glance, it may seem like the gaming industry has been static at its core, with the only thing changing being the graphics quality, but it is definitely not true. Technological advances every year push the gaming industry further, adding new elements and features, and now, more than ever, the industry is on the verge of
An initial look into Leptons VR, the first game on the Isotopic Store
Leptons VR, a VR fantasy sandbox multiplayer PVP game, featuring melee, ranged, and magic combat in a fast-paced strategic battle scenario. In Leptons VR, players can fully customize their character and weapons with combinations of NFT gear and skins. Skills and abilities in Leptons VR are also NFTs, and all items are balanced
Potential of Blockchain for Video Game creators
Significant growth in the video game market is expected in the next few years due to the introduction and active use of blockchain technology in video games and is very likely that the role the games have in everyday life will be completely redefined. Blockchain is already modifying the industry and offers new
The NFTs Video Games revolution
It is impossible to deny that we are living a major technological shift with the whole world changing every day and new opportunities and services that seemed impossible yesterday becoming routines. NFT games may seem like a completely unknown field to many, but the idea of earning reward in-game is not new at all. If scratched a